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Network Norfolk : Poppies cascading in Sheringham church

Network Norfolk : Poppies cascading in Sheringham church  Network Norwich
A fall of poppies cascades from the pulpit in St Andrews Methodist Church in Sheringham, and anyone is welcome to come and see them.

Over 1600 knitted poppies cascade from the pulpit to create a dazzling “waterfall” in memory of those who died in the world wars. The display has been created for Remembrance Sunday on 13 November, but will remain in place throughout November for people to come and see it and pay their respects.  Jean Parton, from St Andrew's leadership team, said “Knitting needles and crochet hooks have been clicking away in Sheringham during the summer, after a church member came up with this good idea.  Since then members and friends of St. Andrew's, the Do Drop In Community Café and friends around Sheringham and Cromer, have been busy making poppies.  “A total of over 1600 red, white, and purple poppies were made. A team of four people then painstakingly pinned these onto a backing to form a stunning Poppy Cascade of red poppies from the pulpit for Remembrance Sunday. The purple ones, in memory of animals who died in the wars, and the white poppies of peace have been displayed and hung on the Prayer Table in the vestibule.”  Anne Bastin and Josie Greenfield, two of the team responsible for the project, say they were overwhelmed by the response from people from the community who have been so generous with their time in knitting and crocheting so many poppies.  Team member Rosa West estimates it took the team of four approximately 21 hours to assemble the two cascades. The other member of the team was Christine Warsop.  The public are invited to view the Poppy Cascades.  The church will be open all day on Tuesdays from 10am to 4pm as part of the 'Warm Spaces in Sheringham' initiative, on Wednesdays from 10.30am to 1.15pm when  the ‘Do Drop-in Café’ is open, and for worship on Sundays at 10.30am, as well as various other times during week-days when groups are meeting.   Pictured above with the cascade are, from left to right: Helen Middleton, Deacon Lemmy Nkwelah, Sue King, Lionel Middleton. Photo courtesy of Jean Parton.  

  TonyRothe150Do you have a news story or forthcoming event relating to Christians or a church in North Norfolk?  

If so, e-mail with details and, if possible a suitable picture. 

Tony Rothe, 11/11/2022

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